Tuesday, July 20, 2010

As it drops you will find joy

It flutters as the warm stream begins the races across brim. It holds its place. It wants to flow over but the rim is too high. Darkness then light. Just the push it needed.From the slide it falls. The free fall is fast and it gains a new shape in the process. It thinks it's free but it's not. In an instant it hits the softness. Back to the stream, until it meets the end. It is uplifted and tossed away, but the reason of It's creation and the mark it left is never forgotten.

I am beyond blessed by the people God has placed in my life. I'm standing here today because of the Love they poured into me. Tears fill my eyes for the ones I have lost. I hold the jewels they gave me close to my heart. They are precious and I'll never let them go.

I don't push down the times of remembrance. Let the tears come. There's healing in the tears. It's ok that my heart hurts. Let the tears come. There's healing in the tears.

I remember how much you love me. I remember how much you cared for me. I remember how you made me laugh. I remember how you built me up. I remember the lessons you taught me.

The impact you've had on me if life long. I'll never forget you.

Let the tears come. There's healing in the tears. It's not that they fall, but that You whip them away. Your touch brings the healing. It's in You I find Peace. Who has the Son has Life!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why I'm here


I guess I have to give in and have my own blog. It's like a drug: first you get email.....Whoa AOL is so amazing-next you figure out how to IM (it's like they're really here). Chat rooms turn into MyBook accounts-Myspace and Facebook combined. If you have one......you have have the other. Why you ask-because of purest people who stay with the cite they got first. They are comfortable with the way they can update their page and post pictures. Who cares if your cite is slowly being upgraded to look like the other cite. It's a mater of principle. This is where you started and this is where you stay. It doesn't matter if all your old buddies from college have moved on to the other cite, you are that friend who will not make the move. Call them stubborn call them stuck-I call them me..........At lest until I became friends with a crossover-then-turned-purest for the other cite. I had no choice-I became a member of MyBook.

All of that to say: the influences of those I love lead me to create this blog.

I'm 27, married to the most amazing man alive (Casey), have a descent job, and a list of unfinished dreams and goals. How did this happen? Well I guess 'Life' is the best answer. I thought I matured and got a better understanding of what one person can do. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took the road most traveled and I'm sick of it.

Just to clarified: I've lived a very exciting life and done more than most. My main passions (Jesus, family, and a life full of Love for those around me) has and will always be lived out and expanded upon. However, I'm speaking of those dreams I had as a child into high school. The dreams of being a famous pastor who plays every instrument know to mankind, has a voice of an angle, graduate top of her class with a six figured salary job waiting for her. That job would of course involved the arts. I'll be an international dancer. Proficient in ballet, modern, hip hop , and tap. (which I would do simultaneity as I life up the name of the Lord). Not only will I be the most popular professor, I'll also be a house wife who home schools her children, and all seven of them will graduated college by the age of 16. In my free time I'll be an interior designer and a cutting edge fashion designer. I'll also volunteer at countless homeless and create a brand new program that will end world hunger and bring peace to the world. That will earned me my first Noble Peace Prize. Did I forget to mention I'll also be a famous actress. I'll win an Academy Award for my first movie and a Grammy for the title track. Oh! I will be able to fly too. Yeah I think I forgot to mention that :D

My coolness level is a little low. So, I've deiced to choose one thing and start there. How do I chose from this list of very attainable dreams? Well Casey helped me in that. For my birthday (5/13), Casey bought me a guitar! It's beautiful and I can't wait to write the next 'Amazing Grace'. You know, the song everyone in the world knows-no mater their religious affiliation or lack there of. Yeah, That will be me. So what the only lesson I've was over three years ago. Although it was great-I don't remember anything she showed me. I'm a quick learner and who said the Internet isn't a good teacher? I did finish college, BA in Communication, but sadly there wasn't a six figured job waiting for me-No professional classes in my cards at the time. YouTube and Google are great sources. Plus they are my favorite price, FREE! Lets see how it goes.

Until next time
